Blog Is Being A Freelance Academic Writer Morally Wrong?

Is Being A Freelance Academic Writer Morally Wrong?

Sep 11, 2018, 05.34 AM

There is a lot of controversy surrounding the topic of academic writing. Some freelancers believe it to be unethical and even illegal. Others point out, that freelance writing is just another service in high demand among college and high school students. Lets take a closer look at the subject to get a better understanding of the moral dilemma many freelance writers face when writing academic papers for a fee.

Academic Ghostwriting

The practice of ghostwriting is widely accepted in some circles. Popular writers, movie stars, even politicians hire ghostwriters to support their online images by creating engaging content. No one will blame a president for giving a speech created by a certified professional.

Students hire qualified writers to create papers for them, following their role models lead. Therefore, you should not feel bad about being an academic ghostwriter. You create high-quality works and sell your intellectual rights for a fee. There is nothing morally wrong about that.

Helping Hand

College and university students must meet a set of severe requirements. They are assigned dozens of papers, leaving them little to no free time. Academic life is especially hard on those who keep part-time jobs or have familial obligations. As a result, many students are faced with an impossible choice: to give up sleep or to fail courses. Many turn for help to friends and classmates, but more and more choose to trust online writing companies.

As a freelance academic writer, you provide a much-needed assistance to overworked students. You will hardly be required to complete every written assignment the students are ever tasked with. But your work will alleviate the students workload making it possible for them to complete other tasks on their own.

Plausible Deniability

The main argument against academic writing is the moral ambiguity of providing students with papers they later turn in as their own work. This is considered plagiarism or cheating by most academic institutions. Moreover, providing learners with papers to submit as their own is illegal in certain states.

However, when you agree to fulfill an order on the academic writing website, you have no information about the client. You cannot predict, how the paper you create will be used. It is possible the student requires a high-quality sample to base their own writing on. Another possibility is that on the other side of the screen there is a college professor in need of good writing examples for his or her students. As long as you do not know for certain, how the papers are used, your conscience is clear.

Part of a Bigger Problem

Plagiarism and cheating have become two of the major problems for high schools, colleges, and universities. After enrolling in any academic institution, students are required to adhere to a policy of academic honesty. But learners readily break the rules in order to receive better grades and continue studies, when they could otherwise fail several courses.

There are several key factors that breed these problems. First, educational systems are lagging behind the advances of science and technology, with professors struggling to keep their syllabi up-to-date. Second, students do not feel motivated enough to complete the assignments on their own. Professors can rarely justify the tasks students have to perform or explain which practical skills they are designed to cultivate. Third, the value of college and university education has gone done significantly. Most companies require a degree but rarely use the knowledge and skills that are supposed to come with it.

These facts make students believe they should attain a college degree with the least effort possible. They turn to online writing agencies for help and are ready to pay exorbitant sums to save time and energy. Freelance writers are there simply to provide necessary assistance.

Ultimately, you are the only one who can decide, whether being a freelance academic writer is morally wrong. The majority thinks that taking money from learners to write papers for them is unethical, but we have tried to offer you a different perspective, another point of view. Academic writing offers many advantages over mundane office work, and if you overcome its moral ambiguity, you can make a career for yourself and increase your income.

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